Of course the image begs the question, what's that hose pointed at the dog for?
Well, thanks to high-tech imaging software developed by NASA, we can answer that question and actually display 2 possible explanations for it.
You'll see, clearly, in the above image that it's conceivable the hose is an oxygen supplier combined with a carbon dioxide filtration system. The antenna would transmit data on the health of the dog to the on-board veterinarian, which Honda is calling the iVeterinarian.
The second possibility detailed below actually identifies it as a dog-to-human translation system. When the dog barks the translator, which Honda has dubbed the iDogInteriorOscillatingTranslatorSystem, or iDIOTS for short, translates the barks into the driver's language of choice.

Let's hope this is a concept that makes it to market.
1 comment:
I'm waiting for the in dash fish tank model to arrive, fully equipped with a flush system that will detect floaters, suck them out, and shoot them out of the exhaust as a charred fish fillet for your cat!
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